As promised, starting tomorrow and continuing for the next week and a half, B-Daddy will be your primary care-giver as a visit to kinfolk in Colorado will take us out of pocket. Some more outside help has been lined-up but the Labor Day weekend and resulting logistical difficulties has made confirmation sketchy. We may drop a line or two this weekend upon landfall in Colorado.
Can't believe this site has been up and running for over a month. It seems so much.... longer.... really, really, longer.
Not sure what the site will get into upon returning but we're confident its going to involve immigration. When Congrees returns to work this month, rest assured more shenanigans will be in the offing because this is an issue that is simply not going to go away. It is rapidly becoming the Freddy Krueger of legislative issues.
Quite frankly, there is no more important issue than this right now. Our friends in Washington have deluded themselves into believing its merely a policy issue when, in reality, as most Americans realize it is so much more than that.
In short, this issue strikes at the core of this country's value system and central to this value system is a belief in the "rule of law".
"No, sir, you do not have a 'right' to enter my country whenever and however you feel. We have laws here and you must obey the laws governing how to legally enter this country." "No, Mr. Congressman, we don't want more laws that we know won't be enforced. We wish simply that the laws that are already on the books be enforced."
The detachment of the Beltway establishment from the rest of the country was never more evident than this past June and July. It was stunning.
But, hey. We'll tackle that when we get back. Adios.
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