Wednesday, October 3, 2007

NOW, He gets all Conservative on Us.

The President vetoed a bill that would increase a federal children’s health insurance plan by $35 billion dollars over 5 years effectively adding 10 million children to the dole… err to the roles. Read story here.

The Democrats are waiting until October 18 to put this to a vote again and to track down the lone Democrat in the House who voted against the bill and who is now in deep hiding. Props to for having the mercy, compassion and respect to not even print the name of this person. "Dead man Walking!!!"

Bush’s logic of wanting to keep healthcare in the private sector has left us wondering what ghost-demon of Barry Goldwater has taken possession of the President’s body. We haven’t heard this sort of talk from him in years. Too weird, man - something’s up.

Of course, this all illustrates why it is so easy to vilify conservatives for being heartless and mean-spirited because how could anyone that denies $35 billion to sick and starving children be anything but.

Since we are confident that there was probably no concrete rationale for how $35 billion dollars was settled on (“…it just kind of looks like a good, nice, round number doesn’t it? $35 bil over 5 years… adds 10 million kids to the plan… the math is easy… Hell, lets go with it.”) we want to turn the argument on it head: Why stop at $35 billion and 10 million kids? Why not $70 billion and 20 million kids? How could the Democrats be that heartless as to leave out that 10 million extra kids they could cover for a measly $70 billion?

As we alluded to, something about all this is not printing out? We're not sure what the President has to gain NOW that he’s on his way out and the fact that this veto reverses a long trend of run-away spending. We’ll be monitoring this but suffice to say, these days, we’ll take these small victories any way we can get them.


Road Dawg said...

Thank you Uncle Ebeneezer,

I have heard and used the same rational for minimum wage. Why stop at six 'n a quarter? That's not livable, why not ten, or twenty?

Dean said...

Your welcome.

Anonymous said...

Healthcare for kids is truly slippery slope, demagogic stuff. Most of us in the Middle Classes already pay a good amount of our helathcare. I, myself have 'chosen', yes 'chosen', to work for a company with a good system, and again 'chosen' to participate in same said plan. This costs some cake but having had a bad plan in the past and hope never to go backwards again. I fought to get out. Now what will be my cost in a system where I now have to wait at the clinic to see a mediocre doctor, PA or even a nurse. I want my caregiver to be a well-paid, rocket-scientist, not some bureaucrat who doesn't give a damn.

Last time I checked Mexico had national healthcare, it does not seem to be an incentive to anyopne there with any gumption to better themsleves to stay put. It can't be all that great...

Krash the Libertarian

Road Dawg said...

So how come we have so many Libertarians, but they never seem to get on the ballot?

Dean said...

'Dawg, Running a porn star for the Governor of California, for example, certainly seems to be a leading indicator of how seriously Libertarians treat such matters. So why should anyone else treat them seriously?

Anonymous said...

But I want free healthcare! I have needs, and who are you to tell me I can't have it? I also need "Affordable Housing", wildly subsidised public transportation, hot lunches, "disability" benefits, WIC and all manner of tax refunds and credits (even though I ain't paid none). Ever read your phone bill? Cable Bill? They aren't Taxes, cause that's a bad word. They are "Universal Cost Fees, County "Fees". "Lifeline Fees". Pleh! Ever occur to anybody that if you are living below the poverty line, a Cell phone is probably not in the cards?

Just go along to get along and dance to the tune your two party (allegedly) system is playing. That tune is the Redistribution of wealth Hustle! Haven't you noticed the volume getting turned up louder and louder every year since, errrr the New Deal?

I want some free shit and I want it now. I want somebody to take care of me, cause I'm a victim, and you, all of you who sold out to the man and make a decent living are the devil and owe me!

It's not my fault that I ain't paid attention in school, took drugs, made babies before my sweet 16, or have a craving for liquor and ciggarettes, it's Madison Avenues fault, or Slavery, or somebody's, but sho nuff ain't mine!

Stop railing against a battle you lost long ago. We ARE a socialist country. We govern as such, tax and redistribute as such, we just don't like the word. Thank the consultants and Wordsmiths for that, the same people that morphed Bums into "Homeless", Illegals into "undocumented", and Bleading Heart Liberalism/Socialism into "Compassionate Conservatism".

If you could not govern and legislate as Conservatives when you had the "Decider" in office and controlled both houses AND after the Hollywood funeral for one of our Best in Ronald Regan and all the warm memories of conservatism that conjured up, you never will. Fly the flag at half mast. "W" and his team of lemmings and inkless veto pen have killed the Conservative Movement!

Rant Concluded

Dean said...

Anonymous, Hey... get your own damn blog, would ya? Sheesh.