Wednesday, October 31, 2007

World's Finest Health Care System at Work... Para Todos!

There appeared an unusual and potentially inflammatory article on the front page (above the fold) of today’s San Diego Union-Tribune. The headline read “11 of 18 in burn unit undocumented”. (For those of you in Placentia, California that means that they are illegal aliens). Yes, the front page of a major daily newspaper had the temerity to document the fact that there are actually undocumented and, no doubt, hard-working, family-oriented illegal aliens in the UCSD Medical Center burn unit.

Who’s paying for this treatment? Well, you are, of course. Now don’t get your panties all in a bunch. Our thinly veiled incredulity of having to foot the bill for these hard working, family-oriented illegal aliens is not meant to infer we would throw these people untreated out onto the street. Hardly. If we have the means to treat these people, then we have a moral obligation to do so.

However, if we take on this moral and medical obligation then we also have the right to demand of our elected officials that they in turn demand compensation from the country of their origin. That would be Justice, afterall, wouldn’t it?

The article explains that there is some sort of agreement for compensation when the hard-working, family-oriented illegal aliens are under the jurisdiction of the Border Patrol but no such arrangement exists while the same are under the care of the hospitals. (A quick note about this article: We’ve been extremely critical in the past of newspaper articles that are horribly written and/or display an over-the-top bias so we have to give credit to Cheryl Clark and Leslie Berenstein, the two authors, for a very well written piece that touches on all the salient points in which we are interested).

Well, that sounds like a bunch of hooey to us. There may be no official agreement or arrangement but that should not stop our people from, at the very least, strongly urging their people to cough up some dough for all this. The treatment these people are receiving ain't cheap and the country of Mexico gets an annual $28 billion infusion of capital from hard-working, family-oriented illegal aliens here in California that send money back to family there so it only seems fair that Mexico can help us out back here, a little.

If you want, drop Di-Fi and B-Box, our two senators and champions of those hard-working, family-oriented illegals, a line and ask how it is they plan on compensating the U.S. tax payer for the treatment being received by these people at one of the finest burn units on the planet that is part of one of the finest health care systems on the planet. (Contact links can be found here and here).

(We would’ve stressed that these hard-working, family-oriented illegal aliens are most likely “good Catholics” as well but that would in itself be an inflammatory statement to many of their supporters so we only mention it in passing. We’re all about the Love and people-pleasin’, here).

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