Friday, June 6, 2008

Radio KBwD is on the Air

Was there any doubt we would be going to these guys, eventually? And was there any doubt we may, in light of recent events, play this clip sooner rather than later? We detailed some of the influences of the late, great Bo Diddley, here but didn’t specifically mention this band because the playing of Bo’s “Who Do You Love” should simply be a pre-requisite for any self-respecting rock’n’roll band.

Joined by the front man who gave them their start barnstorming throughout North America on the rock-a-billy and R&B circuit in the early 60s, they later achieved fame backing Dylan when Dylan first went electric (minus guitarist Robbie Robertson for whom Mike Bloomfield of Paul Butterfield Blues Band fame subbed-in) and later when they struck-out on there own, became a veritable Smithsonian of 19th and 20th century American musical styles.

Ladies and Gentlemen, from the greatest concert film of all-time, "The Last Waltz" and joined by “The Hawk” Ronnie Hawkins, please welcome The Band, performing “Who Do You Love”.

(please excuse a brief instance of NSFW language from Robbie while he’s being interviewed by director Martin Scorscese)

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