Sunday, July 20, 2008

Theocracy Rescue Pt. I

(Hopefully, we'll just be getting into Boston by the time you all read this and because we can't blog in flight or in Boston traffic we are shamelessy plundering from the Theocracy and (hopefully) executing the scheduled post feature on blogger)

KT has a message for all the haters out there: “We won. Deal with it.”

How well do you think we'd be doing if we had followed Mr. Hope n' Change's marvelous judgment and run away a year ago?

Of course, had we done that, we could have saved about $100B and spent it on the hopelessly bloated public education industry or maybe thrown more of it at ethanol subsidies for the massive corporate farms in the Midwest. Do you think that would have been a better use of our time and money than turning one of the world's oil superpowers into a friendly democracy and removing a murderous tyrant?

Please check out KT’s two related posts, here and here.