Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's actually good news - you aren't sufficiently nuanced, though, to realize it.

The number of unemployed persons increased by 787,000 to 14.5 million
in May, and the unemployment rate rose to 9.4 percent. Since the start
of the recession in December 2007, the number of unemployed persons has
risen by 7.0 million, and the unemployment rate has grown by 4.5 percent-
age points.

787,000…. Why does that number look familiar. Oi! How could we have forgotten? Tack six more zeroes onto it and that’s the price tag for porkulus – the thing that was supposed to save all those jobs.
Let’s take a look at the numbers again here below and where the Administration said we would be with porkulus and without porkulus and where the numbers actually are.

Prima facie, that does not look to be working out quite as planned. Unemployment is about 1.5% over what was predicted with porkulus. And to think it's only costing us about 3/4ths of a trillion dollars to accomplish this feat. But take heart, children - though the unemployment rate may be as bad as it has been in a generation, the San Diego U-T cheerily reports Jobless rate at 9.4% but hopes raisede because we aren't hemorraging jobs nearly as fast as previously. Yaaaay.

H/T: Innocent Bystanders via Hot Air


B-Daddy said...

Note the spin, that this is somehow good news, whereas similar news under the Bush administration would have been greeted with apoplexy.

K T Cat said...

Can anyone recall the term "green shoots" being used during the early 1980s recession under President Reagan? I can't.