Monday, August 17, 2009

Doing the right thing?

A carbon tax has the advantage of simplicity and being technologically neutral. By raising the price of fuel sources in direct proportion to the amount of carbon oxidized, we directly attack the problem we wish to solve. Is wind power better than solar photovoltaic? Who knows? Over time the market will decide. Further, the carbon costs of building solar panels or wind turbines would be factored into the equation by the equitable distribution of this tax. Also, a carbon tax has the added advantage of reducing air pollution caused by other contaminants. The majority of air pollution in the United States today is caused by burning fossil fuels.

A tax? Egads!!! So it ain't so!!!

B-Daddy has a thoughtful piece on global warming, energy sources and petrol despots, here.

B-Daddy is your Spike Lee of the blogosphere. You may not always agree with him but he'll always make you think.


Road Dawg said...

Like most of Bdaddy's posts, it will take time to digest when philosphicaly opposed, rethink my position as required, and rebut if necessary.

Since he is my mentor in Libertarian thought, I sift through and enjoy his insights even when in disagreement. I just think he bought the media malpractice on man-made global warming.

"The evidence is mounting against man-made warming. According to the Heartland Institute, a new study at Texas A&M linked long-term changes in Pacific Ocean temperature to global surface temperatures, and found that with the Pacific cooling over the last eight years, global temperatures may well be likely to follow.

Another study in the Annals of Glaciology found a lengthening season of sea-ice in the Southern Ocean, contrary to what global warming models predict. And with yet another study showing ice thickness in the Arctic Sea to be near constant, it looks like the mercuryĆ¢€™s dropping on the hype over global warming."

So I have a hard time with the premise of his position and don't want to give any credulity to the argument.

Where is the ice-age apocalypse I was promised as a child? C'mon, it was in Time magazine.

PS Read your email dooooode!

Harrison said...

I work at a dealership and I can confirm many of the issues raised in this article about C4C are true.

Dean said...

Harrison, I think you commented in the wrong post but I appreciate the sentiment just the same, hombre. ;)

'Dawg, I believe B-Daddy would welcome your sentiments over at his place, as well.

B-Daddy said...

Thanks for the link. Dang, I should have known that I'd catch it for proposing a tax, even if I gussied it up with an income tax rebate.

'Dawg, I appreciate the complexity of the issue and the need for healthy debate, however, I have examined this issue a lot of ways, because I did not want to give a weapon to our statist enemies unnecessarily. But intellectual honesty compels me to make my case as I see it, and TLT is my blog, after all, so I have the right to move on to the next phase about what to do. BTW, there is still a chance that we could descend into a new ice age. Climate is a tricky thing, chaos theory rules. If we don't come out of the current sunspot minimum then I think all bets are off. I just think the odds of that happening are low.