Monday, April 27, 2009

Quote of the Day

“'You need to apologize to the gay community. You need to not talk about your faith. This has everything to do with you representing California and saving the brand,' ”

- Miss California USA, Carrie Prejean at The Rock Church in Point Loma yesterday recounting what was told to her by Miss USA officials after her unfortunate little verbal slip-up.

Hey, its Donald Trump’s gig but if we may be so bold as to chime in: in order to avoid any more of these embarrassing moments for the pageant by having contestants express inconvenient opinions (that happen to mirror those of the President, by the way), we suggest an extensive pre-screening process at the state pageant level to weed out any of those nettlesome social conservative types.


Road Dawg said...

Imagine if her answer would have been, "I agree with the President, marraige should be between a man and woman"..? That would have stopped all the shenanigans.

Dean said...

THAT would have been some epic smack, indeed!

K T Cat said...

Carrie ought to reply that when they replace the fudge packer on the judging panel with a 23-year-old, straight trucker from Modesto, she'll think about it.

Anonymous said...

BwD, what is it about b-i-k-i-n-i s-h-o-t that you are not understanding??

- Mongo Especially Like's the Rita Hayworth-esque Head Toss Shot of Miss CA in Her Swimsuit Attire