Sunday, July 5, 2009

Back when no one died from second-hand smoke

I was introduced by my parents, patronized by their friends, and offered a glass of Bubble-Up and a seat by the bouncing lights. By the time we left an hour or so later I knew I had been exposed to something wondrous. It was a glamorous, sophisticated, heady collection of sights, sounds and smells, and it caused me to wonder about the world of adults and made me look forward to becoming one myself. Being an only child, I had no fellow observer to help me draw conclusions, but this much I did realize: Becoming an adult and a full member of the patio leisure society was definitely something I wanted to do. What I couldn't have known was that by the time I came of age the rules would be changed, thanks to the Beatles, drugs, Viet Nam and the youth culture in general.

After an intense spell of June gloom, it’s finally summer here in San Diego. And with that an excuse to link to one of our favorite blog posts of all time. Our earliest memories are of scenes similar to what is displayed here and makes us wonder how it is that anyone survived these bacchanals of Miller High Life, unfiltered Camels and off-color jokes

1 comment:

Road Dawg said...

One of my favorite posts also!

It was a great time to be a youth also. Keg parties, (wink wink, nudge, nudge) dumping ice down the cousins clothing, listening to Uncle John and Memom debate the finer points of politics while under the influence.