Sunday, June 22, 2008

Like a 2 x 4 Upside the Head

Go to KT’s place and wonder aloud how it is you missed out on that newspaper-writing gig or that as a social scientist. Whatever the reason, it wasn’t because you weren’t graced with enough intelligence or common sense. Those traits are not really pre-reqs for those professions, it would seem.

Linked article documents a socio-economic phenomena of Section 8 folks accepting vouchers to move out to the ‘burbs and oddly enough, crime follows!

The lengthy article cannot produce a single solitary male Section 8 subject in which to interview. Same article is replete with hand-wringing, chin-stroking and head-scratching over “lack of planning”, “lack of effective policing”, “lack of access to social services”, etc., etc.

The fact that “lack of fathers” is not even broached in even the most of oblique ways as a possible cause for this phenomena is stunning.

The ironic part of this whole thing is the article would have you believe that everyone is dancing around the inconvenient truth of “race” being the central theme of the study’s findings.

Fatherhood: the new third rail.

1 comment:

K T Cat said...

Thanks for the link. A lack of planning was the answer? Sounds like they needed a community organizer!