Sunday, April 20, 2008

We'll remain selective of our Australian imports

The excellent theo-katic politics/religion/culture blog, Blue Crab Blvd. aka Prelate to the Primates has a round-up of Australia’s recently concluded “idea conference”.

“Some 1,000 experts, activists, politicians and celebrities put forward more than 40 proposals after two days of brainstorming.”

Experts, activist, politicians and celebrities…? Well, shoot-howdy. You just KNOW there are going to be some useful and entirely credible ideas to be generated with that stellar cross-section of folks.

The American version of this would look like that IBM ideating commercial but with the likes of Tim Robbins, Puff Daddy, Ward Churchill, Harry Reid, Michael Moore and Rosie O’Donnell all in the reclined position brain-storming their way to a better American tomorrow.

Thanks, no.

1 comment:

K T Cat said...

Nooo! No more brainstorming meetings unless the people coming are clever and practical.