Monday, August 4, 2008

In retrospect... coulda been worse.

Some concluding thoughts on the great Beers with Demo 1-Year Blogoversary Shutdown…

Define Irony: We were notified Thursday evening that we had been shutdown by Blogger as they had suspicions we were a spam blog via an email that showed up in our junk mail folder which is there to shield us from, yep, spam.

But no courtesy email, though, telling us we were back on-line… we just decided to give it a whirl on Saturday morning and see what would happen.

But on Friday, without any “work” to do after work, we took a flyer and asked the cute little red-headed girl that lives down the street out with us to the track and had a great carefree evening…. losing hard-earned scratch on the ponies.

We weren’t the only ones who had been shut down though as BlackFive reported that several milblogs had been served the kibosh at the end of last week by either “glitches” with Google’s spamware or by more mischievous means.

We certainly hope it’s the former. This is a great big ol’ country with a lot of people and just as many points of views, opinions and ideologies for which the internet serves as a marketplace and megaphone. It would be a shame to think there are a few punks out there who can’t stand the fact that there are other people who hold and share opinions and views counter to their own.

If it is the latter then we’ll have ourselves a chuckle while thinking there are people who actually care enough about what we post to have us taken out at the knees. But as we have noted, we are not taking any chances and we will no longer be saying anything derogatory about M.T. Suit… we mean, The Lightworker…. Having a blog is just more important than taking a principled stand.

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