Friday, August 8, 2008

Sewing-up the row house vote

Campaigning in Indiana, M.T. Suit was asked by a 7-year old why he wants to be the President. Suit’s response: “America is …, uh, is no longer, uh … what it could be, what it once was. And I say to myself, I don’t want that future for my children.”

Never mind for a moment the awesomeness of the burden he assumes for his children and by extension the rest of us unwashed, what is truly bizarre about that statement is that it is coming from a liberal African-American and one who is steeped in the paradigm that scoffs at this very notion when conservatives yearn for the “good ol’ days” when men were men, women were objectified and minorities knew (and were kept in) their place…. You know, the America that Archie Bunker sung about.

So, from the liberal perspective, when was it, exactly, in this nation’s history that he thought was better than it is now? We’re dying to know.

H/T: Hot Air

1 comment:

K T Cat said...

The most amazing part of this was that he didn't have a pat answer to this. You'd think that this would be something he'd just rattle off the top of his head. Instead, he stutters and stammers and then makes something up on the spot. How can you not have an uplifting answer ready for this question?