Sunday, August 31, 2008

They are the People they've been waiting for

In North Carolina, Noland was surprised by a visit from Obama and his wife, Michelle, who "spent all of this time just gazing at the images," Noland said. "I think he was overwhelmed at seeing all of this work with his face all around." But, Noland said, Obama told him to keep up the good work

More from the artist, Noland: Noland (not pictured) became interested in Obama while reading his 1995 autobiography, "Dreams From My Father." "I thought, 'This guy has got it all. He's got the pedigree. He's gone to Harvard, but he's also connected to the community, to the neighborhood,' " Noland said. "He also plays ball!"

Noland’s right. At some point, one’s head explodes trying to keep up with all of Suit’s relevant qualifications.

Read all about it here, if you must.

(Shepard Fairey, he of "Obey" iconography fame is person pictured in front of graffiti)

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