Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Aaawwww..... Do We Have To?

Like doing taxes or scheduling that long-overdue dentist appointment, we suppose we’ve procrastinated long enough in addressing the Republican field of Presidential candidates and coming up with one to our liking.

Its still early and there is a lot of courting to be done a year out from the elections but thus far our speed-dating has not got our hearts aflutter over anyone in particular. We tried KT’s Presidential dating service a few weeks back and John McCain wound up at our front door, flowers in hand. Thanks, no.

Here is the problem as we see it right now: Each one of these guys bring something to the table that we are attracted to but there appears to be at least one fatal flaw in each that makes it a deal-breaker.

We like Mike Huckabee’s conservative chops…. but, he’s got a soft-spot for illegal aliens.

We like Ron Paul’s “constructionist” interpretation of the constitution and by no means are we into leather, however, we do find his libertarian kink to be exciting….. but, he’s a full-fledged member of the Iraq surrender caucus.

We really like Duncan Hunter…. but no one has heard of the guy and being the shallow types we are, we’ll cop to desiring a bit of arm candy for ourselves.

We admire John McCain’s service to his country and his steadfast support of the President and this nation in the War on Terror and the War in Iraq….. but, we just don’t know if we can trust the guy. He’s on the right side of the fence, currently, on illegal immigration (sorry, couldn’t resist) but who’s to say he might not flop back over once he’s in office. Oh, and have we mentioned how much we love the McCain-Feingold Campaing Finance Reform Act?

We like Rudy’s leadership ability and he has a very high AbH (Anybody but Hillary) score …. but, dammit… at the end of the day he’s another Northeastern, Rockefeller RINO and we’re not sure we want to hand the reins of the Party back over to the very people (or more precisely, the mentality) that put the Republicans in the minority with what Barry Goldwater referred to as “me-too” Republicans trying to ape their Democrat counterparts. We're so over the country-clubbers!

And we are guilty as charged with the same geographic bias for being suspicious of Mitt Romney. He’s from Massachusetts, afterall. Look no further than our own Governor who allowed his precious bodily fluids to co-mingle with a Kennedy and as a result he has the entire right side of the political spectrum here in California over the barrel while he’s doing and proposing all manner of “centrist” non-sense because, in return, he has pledged to veto any driver’s licenses-for-illegals bill that comes across his desk. Great. What do we do with this guy considering our alternatives? (And now an important statement regarding Mitt's Mormonism: "Ahem........ We don't care. Thank you." As the late Rev. Falwell so aptly put it: "We're electing the Commander-in-Chief, not the Sunday School Teacher-in-Chief.").

And Fred….? We just don’t know how serious this guy is. What was that whole bit at the end of the summer where he was campaigning (sort of) without officially declaring? And read this. We want someone whose in it for the long haul and we have reason to believe that Fred is a tad commitment-phobic.

As stated earlier, its early and perhaps someone will distinguish themselves from the pack but as of right now we’re not about to go steady with any of these guys.

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