Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Quickies: The U.N. Just Saved a Few Million Lives....... and the NYT Under New Management?

Global warming, the incredible shrinking dollar, impending recession and now this…. the New York Times reporting good news out of Iraq. The decision to run this story was obviously not vetted by poor ol' miserable Harry Reid whose continued flailing efforts to deny military funding towards Iraq just took another hit. And just when you didn’t think it could get any worse, read story here about how the NYT, at the behest of the Bush Administration, actually sat on a story that had national security implications. We’re going to demand a full Congressional investigation to get to the bottom of what the hell is going on over there at Sulzberger’s rag.

And read story here about how the U.N. has overestimated the size and spread of the AIDS and HIV epidemic. Why? Well, if the article is to be believed then “politics”, “agendas” and cold hard cash have all played a part in it. Sound like any other world-wide epidemic of which you are aware?

With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, posting will be erratic if not infrequent altogether. We’re going to ask for some assistance from the usual suspects.

1 comment:

Road Dawg said...

As with most political agendas, follow the money.

And go substitute bloggers, go!