Sunday, December 2, 2007


We have no real concrete reason for blogging. It sure ain’t for the money, notoriety or fame so we probably do it for the most fundamental of reasons: its fun. We enjoy it. And part of the reason we enjoy it is because of you.

To wit, we were hanging out at our friend’s place watching the Charger game with the usual crew and received a couple of compliments on the site that seemed sincere and, ahem, completely unsolicited as well as a couple, “Hey, that’s some excellent blog-fodder, there” and “Why don’t you put up a poll on that?” Its that sort of face-to-face feedback that is both gratifying and humbling. They care, they really care.

So to the Charger crew, Jerry, Joanna, Kells, Bobby and the rest and to our faithful commenters and to you…. you who are participating merely by reading and thus taking part in a medium that is transforming how it is we receive the news of the world and transforming how it is we react to it…. Thanks!

No real significance in the picture. Just wanted to show off the tree that got put up this past Tuesday. Oh, and you can just make out, Muhammad in the backround.


Anonymous said...

Keep Blogging and we'll keep reading.... and throwing our two cents in here and there.

Dean said...

Dick, Thanks for your support!