Saturday, January 17, 2009

Needlessly jumping the gun

It appears our criticism of Nancy Pelosi’s $825 billion stimulus plan was a bit misguided. We were thinking that, perhaps, The Great Stumble Sideways and its promise of rebuilding America’s broken infrastructure would get bogged-down in bureaucratic red tape, union rules and environmental regulations, not to mention the fact that it would be a prime source of patronage and pork.

Well, KT points out that only $30 billion of the stimulus plan (4%) is actually going to build roads and bridges. Whew. That’s a relief. And here we thought that this work-for-work’s sake plan was just going to be a bloated exercise in governmental activism.

And what about the other 96%, you ask? Read where the rest is going, here.

1 comment:

Road Dawg said...

I'm sure the bloated education beauracracy will show stimulated results in acheivment scores, hmmm?

Seems as Mr. Lloyd gets his wish. Let's see what happens in a few years.