Wednesday, January 7, 2009

So, about that "Truth Commission"?

Go for it.

Beginning in 2002, Nancy Pelosi and other key Democrats (as well as Republicans) on the House and Senate Intelligence Committees were thoroughly, and repeatedly, briefed on the CIA's covert antiterror interrogation programs. They did nothing to stop such activities, when they weren't fully sanctioning them. If they now decide the tactics they heard about then amount to abuse, then by their own logic they themselves are complicit. Let's review the history the political class would prefer to forget.

More here.

As much as our peanut gallery partisanship would love to see something like this actually go down, our better national security angels pray our Democratic friends let this sleeping dog lie.

This is towards the top of every nutroots' Obama wish-list but Obama has not given any signal he will be throwing them any red meat on this or much of anything else with respect to Iraq or the broader War on Terror.

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