Tuesday, December 11, 2007

If you see this man coming towards you…. Run!

Click here for segment of a McLaughlin group roundtable debate on Romney’s Mormonism speech. Its over 9 minutes long but you only need to see to the first 3 or 4 minutes to see what a insecure grown-up, who was beat up by a Mormon as a kid and then later dumped by a Mormon chick as a 23 yr. old, acts and sounds like.

Lawrence O’Donnell an MSNBC political analyst and a person who has a history of untoward behavior on the talkies, kind of loses it by latching on to what he alleges as Mormonism’s (former) support of slavery like a hungry dog onto a meat bone. He just wouldn’t let it go and wound up looking the ass because of it.

Pat Buchanan’s facial expression during this tirade is classic. Head cocked to one side and eyes slightly squinted with a “Dude, what are you talking about?” expression on his face. Buchanan parries nicely by retorting, “My grandfather owned slaves”, as in “Are you going to hold that against me?”

To cap it all off, O’Donnell was interviewed later by Hugh Hewitt about his criticism of Mormonism but the lack of same regarding Islam. Here’s the exchange:

HH: Would you say the same things about Mohammed as you just said about Joseph Smith?
LO’D: Oh, well, I’m afraid of what the…that’s where I’m really afraid. I would like to criticize Islam much more than I do publicly, but I’m afraid for my life if I do.
HH: Well, that’s candid.
LO’D: Mormons are the nicest people in the world. They’re not going to ever…
HH: So you can be bigoted towards Mormons, because they’ll just send you a strudel.
LO’D: They’ll never take a shot at me. Those other people, I’m not going to say a word about them.
HH: They’ll send you a strudel. The Mormons will bake you a cake and be nice to you.
LO’D: I agree.
HH: Lawrence O’Donnell, I appreciate your candor. (thanks to Hot Air)

What a piece (of work), this guy. In a nutshell, there’s all you really need to know about the content of the character and the vertebral fortitude of those residing in the newsrooms and occupying the teleprompter pulpits in this country.

We still don’t know who we’re voting for in the Republican primaries but Romney seems to be pissing-off the right people so we definitely haven’t tossed him out yet.


B-Daddy said...

I like Mitt because he's tall, affable and has executive style hair.
Hey, I'm not kidding. I just can't get totally behind any of the serious contenders, so I'm going with electability.

Dean said...

The National Review just came out for Mitt late yesterday.