Monday, August 18, 2008

Perhaps, Sir, we can find you something with which you are more comfortable

… because one is never asked to make any difficult decisions, take potentially controversial stances or forthrightly answer uncomfortable questions while in the Oval Office…

M.T. Suit flails miserably (again) on abortion question, here.

If its above your pay grade, Suit, perhaps you would be more interested in a position like the one pictured? Hey, we're not mocking - every city needs one, right?

P.S. We’d have so much more respect for the man if he just came out and said something along the lines of “The question of when life actually begins is immaterial as I believe in a woman’s unfettered right to terminate her pregnancy whenever she sees fit within the strictures of the law as my voting record has consistently demonstrated.”

“Above my pay grade?” good lord


K T Cat said...

That was a really weird answer, but it was one he clearly had anticipated. I think he figured that approach was the one most likely to maintain his image as a blank whiteboard upon which his audience could project their own thoughts and feelings.


Anonymous said...

Yes, but above his "pay grade" after the convention "give away" to the Clintons, is this self demeaning attempt of self depricating humor on such a pivotal subject give us a view how empty the suit really is?

He has to know the public sees him as weak after the pundits gave him a hammering.

Is there strategy to this or just more blundering that wasn't properly vetted by the primary, and "scared to be called racist" process?

Dean said...

Anon, re: "self-deprecating humor." Thanks for bringing that up because we chewed on that angle for a while as being a too-glib yet legit response. And its legitimacy depends entirely upon its context

If this response came from a moderate or even a pol with a strong pro-life voting record, the response could've been legit in the context of, "I'm not sure, but I'm not taking any chances... as such, my voting record will err on the side of life"

But in Obama, a man who gets straight As from NARAL, that answer doesn't cut it. A man whose voting record on abortion as Obama's certainly does have an idea when life starts, he just doesn't want people to know it.