Monday, July 20, 2009

News reader was bigger than Jesus, or something

"Walter Cronkite the man was probably the greatest man that ever lived, and I can say that with total impunity."

That from long-time Cronkite assistant, Marlene Adler.

Just so you know our hearts in the right place, we’d give the old bag the benefit of the doubt if she was talking about Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, George Washington or someone of their ilk. But she wasn’t.

Folks, if your kids are wondering what’s up with the Beatles being featured in this post, consider it a cultural teachable moment courtesy your friends at BwD.

More Cronkite hagiography, here.

1 comment:

B-Daddy said...

I guess impunity is the operative word here. Shame is not the mitigating force for public discourse that it once was.