... and we'll keep doing it for as long as we have to.
At the same time, and perhaps with even more consequence, the center of political conservatism was moving ever west. Through such figures as Goldwater and Reagan, the American West was transformed into the vital center of the conservative impulse. Though the primacy of the East Coast conservatives remained, the status quo could not last. As conservatism absorbed heartland influences, it began changing to a more individualistic, more libertarian, more religious, and more American form. Almost unacknowledged, the division between American western conservatism and the European-influenced northeastern variety became deeper and wider with every year.
And at last (as was inevitable) a candidate appeared who embodied that division, a candidate with no connection to coterie conservatism, a candidate wholly of heartland
America, a candidate who was as much a challenge to traditional conservatives as she was to the left.
That’s what they saw when Sarah Palin stepped before the public. Not a superb example of the 21st-century American woman, knowledgeable, capable, and admirable, but a hick with a roughneck husband and a load of kids. Quite the opposite of what the rest of the country saw, and accepted, and will likely send to Washington this November.
Article from American Thinker, here.
We’ll have more on this whole subject when we get back.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Kickin' the country-clubbers to the curb... again.
Posted by
9/27/2008 02:24:00 PM
Labels: establishment conservatism, New York-DC axis, northeast corridor, sage brush conservatism, sarah palin
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As the rural populations begin to be outnumbered by the metro's, common sense goes out the window.
Mrs Dawg once commented when seeing a red state/ blue state map by counties/ voting districts, she reminded me of the experiment we are all familiar with... you know, where the mice in confined spaces in large populations start to go crazy, even when fed enough, start eating their own.
I have now traveled the state of Illinois and have ended up in Chicago. Throughout the rural state, people are kind, friendly, still like to party and kick it up, but basically the politics are conservative.
Yet Chicago is soooo in the tank for Obama and the vitriol from the party who's credo is to have
a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own and freedom from bigotry is astounding.
I have stayed at two hotels, that don't even have Fox News on the TV menu. And the people have the same stand-offish-ness as California.
In the rest of the state, you come to a stop sign or pass someone on the road, they wave. At first I thought it was because I was "the man with the State Farm logo" but soon I found out they ARE that friendly to everyone.
So as much as I am a fan of the Moose Huntin' Momma, I don't feel the optimism as I see the metro's outbreeding the rurals. Hope I'm wrong. I thnk she has brough an acceptance, vigor, and a revival to the conservative movement.
"On hurricane duty in Chicago?",
PS Hurricane Ike surpassed Katrina in the number of claims from a named storm to homeowner's insurers.
March of the Wingnuts.
- Mongo Able to Appreciate the Mediocrity Angle. Go Aztecs!
I like Sarah Palin, but she doesn't seem very fast on her feet in interviews. She always looks like she's going through mental 3x5 cards whenever she's asked a question. She's trying to avoid gaffes at all costs. I hope she does well in the debates.
However that turns out, the problem is clearly the Republican party. Instead of governing, they did things like the K-Street project where they got their favorite lobbyists high paying jobs and it looks to me like their fanaticism for deregulation played a big role in the financial crisis. All of the financial institutions they allowed to over-leverage themselves are now going under. They played for greed, greed, greed.
Wouldn't it have been nice to have been in the fourth or fifth year of a balanced budget right now? Wouldn't it have been nice to be paying down the debt? I think the Iraq War was the right decision, but that may have been the only decision they got right.
In the end, their greed and dishonesty is putting this country in the hands of a bunch of children - Obama, Reid and Pelosi.
Thanks, guys. Thanks a lot.
There are alot of good Libertarians hanging out in the Republican party.
Here is a Cavuto / Ron Paul exchange where Cavuto calls him a genius with foresite.
As for the typical comment by Mongo, "if you've ever wondered why the left constantly mocks the good and the decent, it's because they're angry contrarians. They say goodbye when they mean hello. They say love when they mean lust. They're cynical, angry, with issues galore. They think they're important, they think they're funny. They imagine their 'BushChimpHitler' is funny, but in the end you can pretend to be serious, but can't pretend to be witty. The left is so tedious because they're the opposite of witty and the machine surrounding Obama is the zenith of not-witty. The late Bernie Mac made a joke about the Chosen One. That's all I'm going to say." paraphrase
As for the typical comment by Mongo, "if you've ever wondered why the left constantly mocks the good and the decent, it's because they're angry contrarians. They say goodbye when they mean hello. They say love when they mean lust. They're cynical, angry, with issues galore. They think they're important, they think they're funny. They imagine their 'BushChimpHitler' is funny, but in the end you can pretend to be serious, but can't pretend to be witty. The left is so tedious because they're the opposite of witty and the machine surrounding Obama is the zenith of not-witty. The late Bernie Mac made a joke about the Chosen One. That's all I'm going to say." paraphrase
I love it! Someday 'Dawg, maybe not today, but soon, you will have your very own cable public access channel talk show.
You're that good. A natural! But you do need to use the words "unamerican" and "jackbooted" a little more.
- Mongo Talent Spotting
Thanks for stopping by...
I'd settle for a revival of the "republican movement".
Bless my libertarian cousins' hearts but I just don't think they take things seriously enough or are pragmatic enough to be a viable broad-front political movement.
- Checkin' in from DIA.
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