Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Take your best shots... Please.

A few thoughts on the whirlwind that has been the Sarah Palin Labor Day weekend experience.

B-Daddy commented that he was worried about McCain’s judgement with respect to what has appeared to be a rather lax vetting process and that his selection appears to be a living, breathing example of “Maverick’s” fighter pilot’s gut instinct taking precedent over a rational, contemplative proceedings that either score a direct hit or crash and burn. He’s right, but, also and along those same lines, the selection of Palin is just the perfect continuation of our theme for supporting McCain, in the first place.

For all the “baggage” Palin is supposedly carrying around and for all her alleged inexperience, just remember who’s 3rd in terms of succession, folks. And also remember that John Edwards was only a one-term Senator himself when he was Kerry’s running mate 4 years ago

And “Troopergate”…? Or did you mean “Troopergate?” Just what is it with these governors from rural states starting with the letter “A” and their law enforcement agencies?

The reason we’re bringing this up is because these two aforementioned issues are indeed legitimate issues. The “experience” charge can be legitimately leveled and legitimately countered. That’s how civil discourse and debate works. That’s how people make up their mind on who they will vote for in a democracy. “Troopergate” is a legitimate issue. We hope the facts come out and that Governor Palin accounts for herself in a truthful manner regarding what sort of influence she did exert.

But over the weekend what do lefty bloggers, instead, latch onto and what does the press dutifully lap-up but the controversy surrounding Sarah Palin, her son Trig who suffers from Down’s Syndrome and her oldest daughter Bristol. The Daily Kos, who has been at the forefront of this noble truthing effort was forced to take down a post claiming Sarah Palin was lying about her giving birth to Trig as she was covering for the fact that Trig was actually Bristol’s son. All this based upon a photo taken that showed Bristol with an alleged “baby-bump”. Go ahead and look at the photo. What Bristol possesses, however, is what we down here in the Lower 48 and which possess an I.Q. above room temperature and who do not have hearts seething with rage refer to as “baby-fat”. Nice work, Kos.

The Left has ample material on Palin by which to work but what do they focus on instead: the motherhood of a young boy with Down’s syndrome and the propriety of a mother of 5 taking on the duties of Vice President which is highly ironic, of course, as it betrays the liberal/Left mantra of “having your family and career, too”.

Didn’t seem to be an issue with John Kennedy… oh, he was the dad…the husband. Got sexism?

Anyway, we encourage those on the Left who wish to pursue these sordid and disgusting storylines as its apparent it makes them feel all tingly inside, sends a thrill up their leg to talk about teen sex and satisfies their desire to take down a self-made woman who is not perfect, whose family is not perfect and to our knowledge never made claims to the contrary. And we welcome them also for purely selfish reasons as, if they continue, may prove to turn this election into a walk.

Backlash is a bitch, y’all.

Nice read here from Rich Lowry on PDS


Foxfier said...

I almost hope these asses keep it coming.

It will only make for more Liebermans and Millers-- folks who look at the Dems and say "I don't know who you are."

While it's annoying from my view-- come on, Huck would've been a GREAT Dem to have a real Republican run against!-- it's good in the long run.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Fier is exactly correct, keep it comming.

Although it may not be the strategy, I think this thing is playing into our hands. The negative publicity will drive the ratings for her speech and that of the convention through the roof.

It caused Rudy to be totally fired up, and although Palin may not be the focus of his speech, it seemed to cause a fire in his belly that will impassion him this evening.

With all eyes on, these two are set up to knock it out of the park tonight.


Anonymous said...

That she can field dress a moose, makes he an excellent candidate for homemaker. Look at those jowels, I bet she could even chew the hide and make it pliable for moccasins and such.

Of course I approve,
Bill (Mountain Man)Miller

Anonymous said...

Sally Jesse is just the latest in a lengthening string of people the neo-cons nominate to positions of great power that, by virtue of the poor nominee's own inexperience or dunder-head like tendencies, the far right can manipulate into doing pretty much whatever they want.

Cue: Dan Quayle, Dubya, and now Sally.

What's scary is that, with only about 48 hours and a team of attorneys sent by the GOP to Alaska to run interference, people researching her have already come up with an avalanche of "WTF?" moments.

Babies, etc, don't concern me (though they would certainly concern the "Family Values" crowd over at John Birch HQ if Sally was a Dem). But she is running basically on a "I'm against federal mealtickets" plank -- while her entire political career has been really quite dependent on just that.

- Mongo Loving Vintage 90's Mid-Afternoon Talk Shows

Anonymous said...

Mongo again has his facts wrong, must be getting them from US weekly or the Daily KOS.

Remember, this is the guy who said big oil would spend billions for drilling in ANWR for very little return. When pressed for logic, never replied.

Same guy against school choice, when asked what he would do if his child was trapped in a bad school district....never replied.

Nice cheap shot Mongo!

Better get your facts straight or Ms. Fier will eat you up....again.


Anonymous said...

Mongo again has his facts wrong, must be getting them from US weekly or the Daily KOS.

Remember, this is the guy who said big oil would spend billions for drilling in ANWR for very little return. When pressed for logic, never replied.

Same guy against school choice, when asked what he would do if his child was trapped in a bad school district....never replied.

Nice cheap shot Mongo!

Better get your facts straight or Ms. Fier will eat you up....again.


Dean said...

Mongo, You passed on an outstanding opportunity to expound on the qualifications at the top (and bottom) of the Democratic ticket. That speech…. All that “community organizing”… all that… other… stuff…

But, you know, that doesn’t really concern me. What I want to get to the bottom of and what I will spend my remaining days here on earth is finding the reason for the Dems/libs obsession with this term “neo-con”. What does it mean? What do they look like? What do they eat and what is their natural habitat?

Is John McCain a neo-con (funny, he doesn’t look Jewish)? Do you work with neo-cons? Is your spouse a neo-con? Should we be afraid of neo-cons? Should we lock our doors at night or perhaps leave the light on for neo-cons? If we took two neo-cons before bed, will we feel better in the morning?

Are we, in fact, suffering from a “neo-con gap” or are we faced with the prospect of selling off excess neo-con-ism in the face of a surplus? These are things I gotta know.

People that bought the latest Rolling Stones album may be able to tell you that there is actually a song titled “Sweet little Neo-con”, so maybe Keith, Mick and Charlie have the answers. Hey, Bill Wyman isn’t in the band anymore. Maybe he was a neo-con.

“But one thing that is certain
Life is good at Haliburton
If you're really so astute
You should invest at Brown & Root.... Yeah”

Yeah, indeed.

So many questions, so few answers.

Anonymous said...


I believe the title of the original post is something along the lines of "take your best shots" -- and even put in a "please" to go with it.

So, with about 48 hours of education of who this Mystery Woman from Mystery, Alaska is, I do as the BwD staff demands.

And what do you know? 'Dawg is confused. Shocker.

If you can't keep up with the conversation, 'Dawg, it's probably just best to stay quietly on the sidelines.

Let's keep this in mind: The less known about any individual, the more popular they will be. (i.e.: Familiarity breeds contempt). So after 48 hours, we're already hip-deep in Sally Jesse Hypocrisy on multiple levels.

What happens when somebody actually does some hard digging on the woman? Or are we not entitled to that as American citizens when it comes time to casting a vote for her?

Most people at first blush are giving Sally a, "Pffffft. You're kidding, right?" as it comes to measuring her up as Presidential timber.

I'm sure she's wildly popular in Guns & Ammo, Exxon, and PTL circles. So if that's your poison, she's your gal.

But, I for one, saw enough of her about 20 years ago when she went by the name of "Dan Quayle".

- Mongo Waiting for the Other Eskimo Shoe to Drop

Anonymous said...

Kept up with the conversation? You just have your facts wrong, again. I love a good conversation, but not with you or the Ass Baboon of Venus. All sniping, spin and a volume of mis-information.