(We got back late last night from Vegas and realized we had a slight communication break-down with B-Daddy on who was going to be covering the site while we were blowing our retirement savings on Bud Foster and his god-forsaken Virginia Tech prevent defense. Anyway, we're going to be playing catch-up all week - there is a lot going on. Apologies to those of you who have actually made BwD part of your daily internet routine. We will try to make up for it).
Bill Belichick, coach of the New England Patriots and pictured above at left, is a class-less schlub. Joe Gibbs, coach of the Washington Redskins on the other hand, is one of the stand-up, class acts in the NFL. Having said that, we couldn’t agree less with those that called the 52-7 Patriot victory on Sunday over the ‘Skins, “pouring it on”, “piling on”, “unsportsmanlike” or whatever other descriptive they choose to employ.
This is the NFL. This isn’t Little League, Pop Warner football or AYSO soccer. These are grown men out there paid generous sums of money to perform at a high level week in and week out. The Patriots did and the ‘Skins did not. Its that simple. Maybe those that would question the Patriot’s display of unsportsmanlike conduct might instead want to ask the Redskins players why they rolled over on their coach.
And what’s wrong with an ass-kicking every once in a while? If one claims to be competitive in nature, either on the court or field or life in general, then that same person should be able to tell you about being on the receiving end of a thrashing they received and how they responded to that beating and how they became a stronger player or individual as a result of it.
We as a society get too wrapped up in this… we get too concerned making sure no one’s feelings get hurt rather than focusing energy and effort into how it is that our children will respond in the face of life’s inevitable ass-kickings. They’re going to happen. Nothing you can do will stop them. Are we advocating running-up the score in 5th grade park’n’rec hoops just so little Bobby can learn life-lessons in the face of adversity? Not at all. Just think our priorities are a little misplaced in these matters.
3/4ths of this world’s population (and many here in San Diego, currently) would gladly be on the receiving end of a Tom Brady celebratory touchdown spike if it meant afterwards they could go home to a standing house, be surrounded by loved ones in a calm, peaceful environment, enjoy a hot meal, take a shower and go to sleep in a bed.
Sorry. Just can’t get too worked up over this right now.
This is the NFL. This isn’t Little League, Pop Warner football or AYSO soccer. These are grown men out there paid generous sums of money to perform at a high level week in and week out. The Patriots did and the ‘Skins did not. Its that simple. Maybe those that would question the Patriot’s display of unsportsmanlike conduct might instead want to ask the Redskins players why they rolled over on their coach.
And what’s wrong with an ass-kicking every once in a while? If one claims to be competitive in nature, either on the court or field or life in general, then that same person should be able to tell you about being on the receiving end of a thrashing they received and how they responded to that beating and how they became a stronger player or individual as a result of it.
We as a society get too wrapped up in this… we get too concerned making sure no one’s feelings get hurt rather than focusing energy and effort into how it is that our children will respond in the face of life’s inevitable ass-kickings. They’re going to happen. Nothing you can do will stop them. Are we advocating running-up the score in 5th grade park’n’rec hoops just so little Bobby can learn life-lessons in the face of adversity? Not at all. Just think our priorities are a little misplaced in these matters.
3/4ths of this world’s population (and many here in San Diego, currently) would gladly be on the receiving end of a Tom Brady celebratory touchdown spike if it meant afterwards they could go home to a standing house, be surrounded by loved ones in a calm, peaceful environment, enjoy a hot meal, take a shower and go to sleep in a bed.
Sorry. Just can’t get too worked up over this right now.

.... and speaking of those unsporting Patriots....
Judging from the sounds of things, one would’ve thought that everyone at the Sports Book at the South Point were Patriot fans. The Pats/Redskins game was being shown on the big screen and continued to be shown on the big screen after the rout was on and until the very bitter end. Of course, not everyone in there was a Patriot fan but by our ears, it seemed an awful lot of them had money on the Pats giving the 16… “easy money” we were informed.
As the Pat-o-meter kept clicking upwards in the 2nd half there were a few guys in the back that would shout, “Easy Money…. Easy Money!” after every New England score. It wasn’t a boastful or bragging shout but a joyous one… as if these fine gentleman were saying, “We can’t believe this…. so this is what it feels like to have a license to print money!”
As for ourselves….? We’ll admit to a little bit of bitterness. We were all over the Patriots in their games against the Cowboys and the Dolphins but we backed off because, golly…. 16 points is a lot and the Washington D is the best defense they’ve faced all year and the Pats can’t keep winning like this all season and…and …. Yeah, whatever.
We could’ve plunked down a couple hundy on the Pats, taken the rest of the afternoon off knowing we’d have $200 more to our name in a few hours. Instead, we spent the rest of the afternoon sweating-out out a 3-team teaser and a 4-team parlay that didn’t pay out fully because we hedged, betting against the Saints in their laugher against the Niners in the last game of the day.
So this is Vegas’ challenge: What to do with the Patriot’s point spreads? In a sense the oddsmakers are held to the conventional wisdom that in the hyper-competitive NFL, setting a line at anything over 12 points is courting disaster. Even with that, the Pats were 16 point favorites at kickoff and still beat the spread by 29 points! And in what alternate universe is an undefeated team in the middle of the season a 5-1/2 point dog at home as the Colts are to the Pats this Sunday? This is how wacky things are with this team right now.
And barring any catastrophic injury, win or lose, the Patriots will be playing just another mortal NFL team following their bye week (the Buffalo Bills, for cryin’ out loud!) and the oddsmakers will again be faced with a dilemma of setting a line on a team that to this point has nearly been able to name their score.
Class-less? Who cares. Right now, Bill Belichick and the Patriots are a gamer's best friend?
As the Pat-o-meter kept clicking upwards in the 2nd half there were a few guys in the back that would shout, “Easy Money…. Easy Money!” after every New England score. It wasn’t a boastful or bragging shout but a joyous one… as if these fine gentleman were saying, “We can’t believe this…. so this is what it feels like to have a license to print money!”
As for ourselves….? We’ll admit to a little bit of bitterness. We were all over the Patriots in their games against the Cowboys and the Dolphins but we backed off because, golly…. 16 points is a lot and the Washington D is the best defense they’ve faced all year and the Pats can’t keep winning like this all season and…and …. Yeah, whatever.
We could’ve plunked down a couple hundy on the Pats, taken the rest of the afternoon off knowing we’d have $200 more to our name in a few hours. Instead, we spent the rest of the afternoon sweating-out out a 3-team teaser and a 4-team parlay that didn’t pay out fully because we hedged, betting against the Saints in their laugher against the Niners in the last game of the day.
So this is Vegas’ challenge: What to do with the Patriot’s point spreads? In a sense the oddsmakers are held to the conventional wisdom that in the hyper-competitive NFL, setting a line at anything over 12 points is courting disaster. Even with that, the Pats were 16 point favorites at kickoff and still beat the spread by 29 points! And in what alternate universe is an undefeated team in the middle of the season a 5-1/2 point dog at home as the Colts are to the Pats this Sunday? This is how wacky things are with this team right now.
And barring any catastrophic injury, win or lose, the Patriots will be playing just another mortal NFL team following their bye week (the Buffalo Bills, for cryin’ out loud!) and the oddsmakers will again be faced with a dilemma of setting a line on a team that to this point has nearly been able to name their score.
Class-less? Who cares. Right now, Bill Belichick and the Patriots are a gamer's best friend?
Wow, too much good stuff, and not enough time to respond. Amen to the candy-ass doo-gooders not wanting to run up the score. Good ass whoopins are the precurser of great rivalries.
Hey how bout that Bret Farve, may not be the greatest in the game, but sure has been the funnest!
Road Dawg
'Dawg, Vote.
Who is the candy-ass twinkle-toed crybaby that voted the wrong way?
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