The Conventional Wisdom is that John McCain needs to shore up support among conservatives to win the Republican nomination. If the last day or so is any indication, though, he’s gonna have to try a little harder.
here from Hot Air has open-border advocate, Juan Hernandez, joining McCain’s campaign staff… this after McCain claimed to “see the light” with regard to enforcing the border and thus our nation’s sovereignty. Ethno-centric border softie, Geraldo, is apparently keen on McCain as well.
But the coup de crap, of course, is the New York Times
endorsement of McCain for the Republican candidacy (they wait ‘til Fred bows out and
then they make their endorsement. Swell).
Quoth the Gray Lady: “Senator John McCain of Arizona is the only Republican who promises to end the George Bush style of governing from and on behalf of a small, angry fringe. With a record of working across the aisle to develop sound bipartisan legislation, he would offer a choice to a broader range of Americans than the rest of the Republican field.”
By “small, angry fringe”, the Times is of course talking about conservatives. Don’t get us wrong. The small and angry part doesn’t bother us in the least, it’s the “governing from and on behalf of…” part that slays us.
The events in D.C. this week have been nothing more than a microcosm of all the bipartisanship we’ve seen the last 8 years and whose lasting legacy will be a mountain of debt for someone else to deal with.
Hey do you know what our favorite bipartisan moment of the Bush years was? It was when Bush said “Hey guys, we gotta do something about Social Security” and the other guys said “No” and then Bush said “OK.” Yeah, that was cool.
We’re going to give you every chance to make your case, Dear Senator but with the long uphill trudge you have with us as it is, you are not doing yourself any favors by the company you are keeping.
UPDATE: The Friends of McCain bandwagon swells its ranks: Mother Jones cozies up with article
here. Dig the front cover of current issue on left-hand margin: "Can the world survive China's headlong rush to emulate the American way of life?" So its free speech and property rights that are dumping all those heavy metals into the water. Damn Western liberals.
UPDATE #2: So is John McCain now in George Soros's back pocket? Piece
here from
Hot Air links funding of McCain’s Reform Institute (of which aforementioned open borders clown, Juan Hernandez is said to be an unpaid voluneer) to a number of lefty outfits including the lefty Sugar Daddy-in-Chief himself, George Soros. This is a pretty convenient arrangement, we think. Afterall, it was McCain’s very own Campaign Finance Reform Act that thrust 527s to the fore in shaping the issues in national politics. Soros, of course, runs the most prominent 527 of them all,, who among other things are probably most infamous for their smearing of Beers with Demo’s Man of the Year, General David Petraeus with their despicable “General Betray us” ads.