Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Pastor Mike wants to get something off his chest… because he feels just terrible about it

Hi, I’m Mike Huckabee. You can call me “Mike” or “Mike, the bass player” but I’d prefer you call me “Mike, the Republican presidential candidate who is a pious, morally-upright evangelical Christian and wants your vote because of it”.

Now, I caused a bit of a dust-up last week just prior to the Iowa caucus by pulling an ad that I concluded was too negative towards one of my Republican opponents. As I told everyone, going negative (this early) is just not what I’m all about. Its not how my campaign should be run… I’m trying my level best to raise the level of discourse in these primaries.

But after my big victory in Iowa, I think its time to turn my attention to my potential adversaries on the other side of the aisle, the Democrat candidates. And similar to what happened last week on the eve of the Iowa caucus, I’m here today to tell you that I am not going to do what I had originally planned.

Just a few hours ago, I had planned on making some snarky comments about the way Hillary was extending out her
right arm during the Democrats’ New Hampshire primary debates over the weekend… made it look like she was doing the “Sieg Heil” thing. I’m sure she didn’t realize she was doing it but still… anyway, that’s what I came here to tell you… that on the way over in the car I came to the realization yet again that you, the American voting public deserve more of me, a devout Christian, than for me to draw comparisons, however tongue-in-cheek, between Hillary Clinton and the Nazis… I mean c’mon, that’s just a little bit over the top dontcha think?

Yeah, that’s what I thought. I can’t help but think you feel the way you do because I’m a Christian and that your criticism is generated from within the belly of the Beltway establishment beast to take down a true outsider like myself. Does my overt evangelicalness scare you? Well, there’s nothing that I can do about your hostility except pray…. pray for wisdom, understanding and compassion…. your’s that is.

I’m Mike Huckabee and I approved this

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