Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Iranian Economic Stimulus Plan unveiled

Employing some the same back-handed logic to which some fringe Greenie groups allude with regard to the environment and population sustainability, Brother Mahmoud thinks what’s wrong with the economy is, well…. you. Here’s BroMoud holding forth on his Big Idea in a speech Wednesday in the city of Hamedan as reported by the Mehr News Agency:

"If we want to build the country, maintain our dignity and solve economic problems, we need the culture of martyrdom."

He described martyrdom, dying or being killed for one's religious beliefs, as "a quick and shortcut way to reach the summit of salvation."

Cudos to the Islamicist think-tank that came up with this idea for its actually quite brilliant. They combine the twin elements of waging jihad AND reducing the unemployment roles. And the benefits of this plan are even more dramatic if you can umm… employ into this stimulus plan the sick, mentally retarded, gays and females… you know, the unproductive and unclean members of your 8th century-grounded society. Everybody wins!

H/T: Gateway Pundit

1 comment:

K T Cat said...

Har har har! A link is forthcoming.