Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"Adios..... Suckas!"

Congress adjourned today for the summer without passing any productive energy legislation and for the woman on the left who promised she would lower gas prices upon taking command of the House, she doesn’t seem all that upset about it…. afterall, she’s just saving the planet.

So while the rest of the country does its best to cope with these gas prices and the trickle-all-over-the-damn-place economics that high gas prices have on the price of all other aspects of the economy, trivial things like lumber, steel and food… let’s do something we haven’t done in a while. Yes folks, its ROTS time. Time to Reach Out and Touch Someone. Let’s give our conquering heroes a home-coming they readily deserve.

Pelosi’s email address here. Harry’s is here. And your local Congressman’s addy can be found at a directory here.

RCP Congressional appoval rating: 17.3

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