Thursday, July 3, 2008

Delivered on the Wings of Che'

We wanted to cry tears of joy when we saw this. The Columbian commandos that rescued hostages yesterday that had been taken by FARC terrorists years before were able to infiltrate FARC using, in part, that ultimate identity-conflicted, mass-marketing tool of global socialism, the Che’ t-shirt, as cover. As the saying goes: “The Che’ works in mysterious ways.”

And what did Candidate Obama have to say about this:

Democrat Barack Obama also sent his congratulations, saying he supports "Colombia's steady strategy of making no concessions to the FARC, and its targeted use of intelligence, military, law enforcement, diplomatic and political power to achieve important victories against terrorism."

We may be accused of splitting hairs here but doesn’t diplomacy imply a degree of concession-making? Its becoming such that the man cannot stray one bit from his HopenChange template without looking less than intelligent and coherent.

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