Sunday, January 20, 2008

Now What?

South Carolina Republican primary results:

McCain… 33%
Huckabee… 30%
Thompson… 16%
Romney… 15%

Well, looks like this may be it for our man, Fred Thompson. Click on over to KT’s site for his analysis of what may be the ultimate “hold your nose” square-off between McCain and Guiliani. For ourselves, we aren’t committing to anybody yet and may not even make it public when we do as a specific endorsement implies a degree of enthusiasm towards that candidate and we don’t see that happening right now. Again, merely voting for a candidate because that person has the best chance of beating the Democrat candidate lacks principle and conviction.

We’ve chronicled in this blog how ineffectual the left-wing netroot crowd is at pushing agendas and influencing outcomes… it appears that the right-wing blogosphere may be similarly impotent. By our reckoning, the sites we frequent the most and which are linked to on the right hand margin were very much pro-Fred. What does this mean…?... we’re not sure. We have some thoughts but we have more important things to talk about like…the Chargers!

We will make one prediction, though. If it is McCain v. Clinton, McCain wins going away.


B-Daddy said...

Your attempts to join me in electoral prognostication purgatory is touching but unnecessary. I have gotten quite comfortable here.
I think that there is a certain, mostly male and certainly more ideological demographic, that enjoys the rough and tumble of the blogospere. This tends to skew its perspective. Also, the internet participation rate in the United States is only 71.4% (see article) and while that is certainly a high rate, it also means that 28.6% of the country, a sizable fraction, do not have internet access.

Dean said...

B-Daddy, do I sense a potential gentlemen's wager?

If it is indeed Mac v. Hil', are you willing to discuss terms? I could even be talked into giving you odds or spotting you a percentage point or two.

B-Daddy said...

Aren't you going to make enough money off that Caliente ticket you showed me at In-N-Out?