Sunday, December 14, 2008

Old Schoolin' it on a Saturday Afternoon

This post is dedicated to "Pops".

"The culture of a thousand years is shattered with the clanging of the cell door behind you. Life outside, behind you immediately becomes unreal. You begin to not care that it exists. All you have with you in the cell is your bare animal instincts.

I speak partly from experience. I have been behind bars a few times. Sometimes of my own volition, sometimes involuntarily. Each time, I felt the same feeling of kinship with my fellow prisoners."

So begin the notes scrawled on the back of Johnny Cash’s live concert album at Folsom Prison and which serves as a reminder that for all the convenience modern technology provides, one cannot read liner notes or fold open, say, a 3-panel Led Zeppelin album or experience that reassuring snap-crackle-pop of a vinyl 33 with an MP3 download.

(Picture above was taken at our new neighbors' house-warming party yesterday where we had a blast sifting through their sizable vinyl record collection.)


B-Daddy said...

Very "Avocado Memories." What were the prevailing cocktails?

Dean said...

Pabst Blue Ribbon, of course.