Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dem Rating of the GOP Field

Well, it's getting down to a manageable few. And you know us Dems: We don't really like to work (Slackers of the World, Unite!), so the truncated version of the GOP field makes it much more plausible to do some short takes on the remainder of the GOP candidates that still have a pulse:

John McCain: We like him. We don't really know a whole hell of a lot about his politics. But he seems sincere and honest, which automatically puts him light years ahead of the current head of the GOP Party. Some day, we'd like him to be our father-in-law, but we haven't seen if he has any of the hot daughters that candidates parade out on stage to attract that "all-important youth vote" that is the bedrock of the American electorate.

Mike Huckabee: Eeek! (Think "Flounder" in Animal House when they flashed his picture up on the screen... Beer cans and various foodstuffs flying at the screen). By far the least palatable to our "left-leaning" tastes. If we wanted bible lessons out of the White House we would have backed the epitome of open-minded right wing candidates, Jerry Falwell, a long time ago.

Mitt Romney: He seems so -- how should we put this? -- smug and superior. He had such an air of righteous indignation at the Reagan Library during the debates whenever any other candidate spoke that it was hard to not want to take a rolling pin to him -- Here's figuring McCain, et al, felt the same way.

Who's left, uh...

Ron Paul!: He's a Democrat. He's a Republican. He's a Democrat who thinks he's a Republican. He's a Independent of the Green Party Libertarian Wing trying to fool us all by running as a Republican. We're not sure ourselves, but ya gotta love the candidate who has a nationwide network of operatives who love him so much they go to the trouble of making handmade signs and sticking them all over creation. There's something pure and good and back-to-basics about that. May have got some traction on his issues and ideas alone if it weren't for the fact that he reminds us of the befuddled college professor with half his shirt tail hanging out as he walks across campus.

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