Friday, February 22, 2008

Great Britain: That whole Western Civ thing was cool while it lasted.

Nice little round-up here of England’s ongoing, self-induced death spiral. This is on top of Rowan Williams’, HMFIC of the Anglican Church, recent declaration that England just needs to get over itself and accept elements of Sharia law into British law. We had some thoughts, previously on Williams, here.

There is simply no rational explanation for a willing and conscious effort to tear down all the political, social and technological advances that have been made possible by liberal Western democracy. None whatsoever.

Same piece also documents California’s public school system not wanting to be left out of the act. We always thought that education was highly overrated anyway.
Image is of England's seminal political document, the Magna Carta.


Dean said...

Is that what it is..? Self-loathing?

K T Cat said...

Must be. What else explains it?

Road Dawg said...

I have sent Dean an email regarding photos so unbelievable, I had to run them through Snopes.

Sure enough real.

Let's let liberalism, unbridled immigration, liberal white guilt, political correctness, and general pussyness run amok for enough time and see what Europe today, in America tomorrow.

B-Daddy said...

The word you are looking for is pusillanimity. It's a word with which liberals are well acquainted, I am sure.

Anonymous said...

Way beyond the definition of the word. And though well acquainted, they would be in denial.

Road Dawg