OK, we L-O-V-E the programming that PBS provides.
PBS, BWD regulars, is this radio/TV thing that airs while you are listening to Rush, Laura, and watching Fox & Friends. It is one of the many, many, and -- dare I say again -- many reasons we as Dems are smarter and better-looking than you Republicans.
But, fear not! There are some programs on both the radio and TV versions of PBS that even a Red Stater will find suitable and informative. No, not just Barney or Mr. Rogers re-runs that we as Dems think might be the limit of your emotional and reasoning abilities. We're talking about the kind of programming that challenges your adult mind to think in multiple-directions, in ways you never thought of before or heard Michael Savage spout out. Ya know, something other than "A tax cut is just what this problem needs".
That's right, it's time to sit at the ADULTS table! You've already missed out on Ken Burns "Baseball" and "The Civil War" documentaries. But if you hurry you'll see his latest production "The War" (Oh, how I know you love to hear that word, Republicans: Warrrrrrrrrrr! Wait! Don't go running for the remote to put on The Military Channel just yet!) covering the period of World War II. See, I told you you would like it.
So, a list of said programming:
(We'll keep this short and sweet)
Morning Edition runs from 4-9 a.m. http://www.npr.org/templates/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=3 General news and topics, etc. Updates at the top of the hour.
Marketplace: Perfect for the bigwig republican CEO who wants to plan his next hostile takeover of another company or another country over a late lunch! http://marketplace.publicradio.org/ "Marketplace" is a production of the University of Southern California and airs at 2 p.m.
An embarrassment of riches. But we'll stick to the highlights...
Frontline: An hour of news documentary programming so intriguing you'll wonder what you did without it. Now you, too, can talk more in depth and with greater command of the facts on the topics the show touches on, such that the girl across the bar you've been eyeing is sure to want to tear the clothes off your body. One wonders if every American were required to watch it, would we not all being asking ourselves, Britney who? Yes, it's that good. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline Take it for a test spin. They have back stories in their archives you can watch on line.
Jim Lehrer Newshour: Much the same effect as Frontline, but without all the fun production value. If it doesn't put you to sleep, and you can follow it, you're ahead of the curve. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/
California's Gold: Our favorite little G-rated field trip around the Golden State. How Mr. Howser gets paid to do this job must have been a stroke of genius on his part. Great stuff! http://www.calgold.com/
NOVA: OK, we admit it. We threw this one in here because we figure if you watch enough times you'll start to realize that the world wasn't really made in 7 days, that's it's not flat, that we're not in the center of the universe, and that there really is something to that whole primordeal ooze, salamander, rodent, monkey, ape, turns into a human thing your pastor is so bent about. And, further, that you'll wonder why it is that the GOP seems so bent on cutting funding to pure science. But, this show WILL -- trust me -- turns loose that inner geek in you that we all have hiding inside of us. http://www.pbs.org/nova
Go forth and educate!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
This is a Public (broadcasting) Service Announcement...
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2/06/2008 04:58:00 PM
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'The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.' - Ronald Reagan
Mr. Lloyd,
Let's take a page from the substitute, or even Obama and be graceful with the authority of having "the helm" at BwD.
You are not dealing with koolaid drinking Hannity and Linbaugh lovers who would jump on your rhetoric with point by point rebuttal of the straw man arguments you present.
We watch Nova, PBS, we are objective and know programming may or may not be objective regarding the issues.
Inasmuch as we disagree with you, Mr. Lloyd, we find your disrespect by hyperbole is unhealthy in the arena of ideas.
Woody Hayes
(chiming in from the land of 2-strokes...)
Ah yes... just like a good lib to have to advertise how smart and good looking they are.
Thanks for holding down the fort, guys. I'll refrain as best as possible too much nature-raping while I'm up here.
What a great list of shows! Too bad they could never find any commercial sponsorship and have to survive by having the Justice Department hold a gun to my head while the IRS ransacks my house.
I'm with you guys. I think this "Substitute" has got some kind of nerve.
Dont he no that I got a perfectley find post Prop 13 schoolin?
- Mongo
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