Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Link of the day


RightKlik over at Left Coast Rebel has a Republican primary straw poll but it's not the type you think. You are not voting for who you like the most but rather who you like the least. Yes, we're going Survivor here and voting people off GOP Island! And talk about a target rich environment!

Get ye over there and join in the fun, here.

We'll check back in and redirect as necessary during the winnowing process.

buh-bye, Newt.

* As Reagan/Goldwater conservatives merely squatting in that half-way house that is today's Republican Party, we got a a kick out of that logo. Besides, as far as the chosen symbols go with respect to our personal preferences, 4 out of 5 is pretty damn good.


Left Coast Rebel said...

"As Reagan/Goldwater conservatives merely squatting in that half-way house that is today's Republican Party..."

So true!

And I'm merely squatting once in a while for a brief overnight stay until I realize (time and time again) that the couch is stuff, the beer is stale and I'm taken for granted!

Left Coast Rebel said...

Correction: "stiff" not "stuff"

Thanks for the link

Dean said...

... and no big screen, either. Not much incentive to stick and stay.

SarahB said...

It's the only strategy that at least gives us a little entertainment value for the shame of this lot.