Monday, February 14, 2011

Getting ahead of things?

CPAC wrapped up this past weekend and though we didn't follow the proceedings very closely, the appearance and speech by Indiana Governor, Mitch Daniels, generated quite a buzz as he was deemed one of the "winners" of the event by the Washington Post (please insert "back-handed" and "dubious honors" quips, here) and more importantly, a blogger who will remain nameless but with whose work you are familiar confided to us over the weekend that he was ready to go all in for Daniels ahead of the primaries.

For a video of the speech please go here. And for the text of the speech, here.

P.S. Looks like B-Daddy couldn't contain himself any longer in throwing in for Daniels so our efforts towards "outing" him have been for naught.

1 comment:

SarahB said...

"Fresh" faces need all the encouragement they can get!