Thursday, December 4, 2008

...but once a year.

We mentioned it before, but we just ain’t feelin’ it this year. No tree and no lights thus far - all the Christmas and New Year’s joyfulness and cheer has yet to find its way to our front door. Maybe it was this historic election or perhaps this unprecedented (in our lifetime) economic crisis or maybe even some health issues within our family has given us pause and cast the Holiday season in a different light.

And maybe because of all (or none of) that we approach the season with a greater inward appreciation of the “true meaning of Christmas”. But to be honest… all this introspection really stinks. So, if any of you have any ideas to snap us out of this funk and get us back to our normal red, white and blue hyper-consuming and gluttonous Christmas ways, please…. please… drop those in the suggestion box. Thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are friends for??

- Mongo The Famous World War I Flying Ace