Tuesday, September 1, 2009

They might want to rethink this

While flipping through our favorite right-wing rag, we ran across this on the back cover.

A ha! We found it. It’s tangible results of that backroom deal between the administration and Big Pharma. And what did it have to say? Well, essentially it said that President Obama had challenged them to end cancer in our lifetime and that Big Pharma shares that goal. How do we know this? Because Big Pharma is currently working on 800 new medicines and just last year alone Big Pharma spent $65 billion dollars to discover and develop medicines to help patients live longer and more productive rights.

Essentially, this add says what we have been saying all along. Effective pharmaceuticals cost money. And when you are going up against the Big C and the rigorous regulatory protocols we have in this country, it’s going to cost a lot of money.

These are just the facts and we’re glad the Obama administration is spending their money wisely to make this apparent to the American people.

It’s a fantastic add because it unwittingly (?) exposes the fallacies of Obamacare – that effective healthcare for every American (and some 12 million extra-Americans) can be done on the cheap. We know it, you know it and everybody who will see this ad will come to the same conclusion: the research and development of advanced medicine that works costs a lot of money.

If the President thinks this angle is going to work with respect to his push for government-managed healthcare, he’d better rethink that pitch.

Some previous thoughts on the cost of medicine here and we enjoyed KT’s death panel = your pocketbook, here.

1 comment:

Harrison said...

Big Pharma. Ha. I always love the Big Oil and all that. Unfortunately the US pays the bill for drugs that the rest of the world gets for less so the drug companies don't lose those markets.