Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009: An American Holiday (UPDATED)

Quote of the day:

“There’s no better place on Earth to be on Thanksgiving Day than here. This is as American as it gets.”

That from General David Petraeus who is spending his Thanksgiving with the sailors and Marines aboard the San Diego-based USS Nimitz in the Gulf of Oman.

Go on over to B-Daddy’s for some original perspective on this Holiday, here.

Just a few quick words on Thanksgiving: We used to be huge on Christmas – still are but for various reasons, Thanksgiving has overtaken Christmas in our holiday power rankings.

For all that is good and righteous about Christmas, the “holiday season” starts shortly after Halloween and extends past New Year’s and until seemingly the last college bowl game is played. We can be forgiven then if we cop to a bit of Christmas or holiday season fatigue. It’s hard to keep your game face on for roughly 1/6th of the calendar year.

And just what is it about Thanksgiving? Is it the uniquely American nature of this formerly New England-centric holiday? Is it the football? Is it the food, family and fellowship? Is it the fact that, contrary to the rest of the “holiday season” we are allegedly in the middle of, Thanksgiving is focused on one day but then spread-out like the awesome left-overs it delivers over a long weekend? It’s probably all of the above and having said that we want to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving. God bless.

Oh, and take Detroit getting 10-1/2 at home against the Packers.

(UPDATE #1): The President got off some pretty funny one-liners at the annual White House turkey pardon yesterday.

1 comment:

Road Dawg said...

Pardoning Turkeys, isn't that President Clinton's shtick?

Happy Thanksgiving to all!