Thursday, October 30, 2008

The sadly obligatory Philly Fan "celebrates" World Series victory post

Philly's finest arrive just in time to (almost) save a car from getting trashed and then flipped.

... but what was the person who owned that car thinking when he/she parked there?

Quite by accident or more accurately, force majeure, MLB commish Bud Selig stumbled into quite an appealing idea... to us at least. That 3-1/2 inning ballgame we watched last night was great! High drama in primetime that decided the World Series winner all wrapped up in a nice neat 1 hr. and 15 minute bow. What's not too like about that?

Anyway, congrats to the Phillies and the city of Philadelphia which had gone 25 years without a championship in any of the 4 major sports. But as ESPN analyst and former Phillie himself, John Kruk said last night: "In Philadelphia, it just seems like so much longer."

H/T: DeadSpin

1 comment:

Ohioan@Heart said...

What's not to like about that insane 3.5 inning wrap up?

Well nothing with it. But the absurd 5.5 inning, rain soaked, prelude was an obsenity. It wasn't baseball. And that carried over, like a 46 hour hangover to taint the finish.

Too bad, really. The games we entertaining.